France Telecom and Former Managers on Trial Over Staff Suicides - Bloomberg

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Photo : Robert Linder via Freeimages

France’s biggest phone company, its former chief executive officer and six others go on trial Monday over a wave of employee suicides more than a decade ago.

“We’re hoping for an exemplary sentence, so that business leaders who could potentially be tempted by these management methods are warned they cannot act in total impunity,” the CFE-CGC Orange union said last month in a statement.

Read full article on Bloomberg - Angelina Rascouet and Gaspard Sebag - 06/05/2019


Conditions de Travail et Santé

Nos coordonnées

CFE-CGC Orange
10-12 rue Saint Amand
75015 Paris Cedex 15

nous contacter
01 46 79 28 74
01 40 45 51 57



Siège : CFE-CGC Orange - 89 Bd de Magenta, 75010 PARIS - SIRET 50803050900030 - 9420Z
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